Photo credit: Center for Urban Habitats

Photo credit: Center for Urban Habitats


Like its Western cousins, the Eastern Prickly Pear is a handsome cactus. The early summer blooms are particularly dramatic, and attract many interesting pollinators like hawkmoths and hummingbirds. The pads and fruit are edible (and delicious!) but be sure to cut or burn off all clusters of tiny stinging hairs before eating. Pads are very good sliced and fried or grilled, and the fruit makes a superior jam once seeds have been strained out.

Medicinal Properties

The poultice of the peeled pads can be applied topically to heal wounds and warts. 

Opuntia humifosa

Eastern Prickly Pear 

Family: Cactaceae

Type: Perennial

Height: Up to 1’

Bloom:  Yellow, May-July

Fruit: Purple

Water: Low

Sunlight: Full sun

Drought tolerance: high

Propagation: Seed or cutting

Soil: Sandy or rocky, well-drained

Photo credit: Center for Urban Habitat

 Plant Communities